Belgian Session Ale
Our Double IPA was inspired by the wave of ‘new england IPAs’ that swept across the country several years ago. We start with a backbone of biscuity, rich english malts to give a nice rounded maltiness and then hop this beer to over 100 IBUs during the bittering phase of the boil. After that, we finish it with copius late and dry hop additions of Galaxy, Amarillo, and Chinook hops to give a full tropical and citrus hop flavor, while still allowing a hint of piney overtones to counterbalance the pungent fruit aromas and flavors. This results in a deceivingly drinkable beer which epitomizes the philosophy of powerful yet balanced flavors.
Malts – English Pale, Munich, C60, Flaked Barley
Hops – Chinook, Amarillo, Galaxy, Cascade
8.7% ABV, >100 IBU